A signed waiver by event participant or parent/guardian will be required before you can download your QR code. A link to obtain waivers for all registrants will be shown on the confirmation page.
To obtain a copy of this waiver, please download when prompted upon completion. If you experience issues with the download, and would like to receive an emailed copy of your waiver, please email
[email protected].
College of Veterinary Medicine Open House - Activity Participation
Activities: Traveling Tidepools, Exotic Reptiles Room Exhibit, Petting Zoo,
Activity Date(s) and Time(s): April 5, 2025 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Activity Location(s): WesternU Pomona, CA Campus
This document limits your right to make claims, please read it carefully.
Assumption of Risk. I acknowledge that my participation is solely and fully voluntary in the activity identified above (“Volunteer Activity”). I am aware of the risks associated with traveling to/from and participating in this Volunteer Activity, which are specified further below, and include but are not limited to physical or psychological injury, pain, suffering, illness, disfigurement, temporary or permanent disability (including paralysis), economic or emotional loss, and/or even death, (collectively referred to as “Risks”). I am aware that there are inherent risks associated with the Volunteer Activity (collectively referred to as “Risks”):
• based on my exposure to and my interaction with sea creatures that may include but are not limited to sting rays, sharks, sea stars, hermit crabs, sea snails, pencil urchins, sea shells, or rocks (“Sea Creatures”), the interaction between and amongst Sea Creatures of different breeds, sex and temperaments, and the interaction of Sea Creatures with large crowds and/or people of different stature, ages, and temperaments, which even when monitored, may result in harm or injury to me. I assume all risks, including but not limited to behavior problems, stress or discomfort, the transfer of communicable diseases, and injuries such as abrasions, cuts, bites fractures, bruises, or bacterial infection.
• based on my exposure to and my interaction with reptiles that may include but are not limited to rhino iguanas, pythons, gopher snakes, breaded dragons, boa constrictors, blue tongue skinks, mealworms, sulcate tortoises, hissing cockroaches, red-eyed tree frogs, or snapping turtles, (“Reptiles”), the interaction between and amongst Reptiles of different breeds, sex and temperaments, and the interaction of Retiles with large crowds and/or people of different stature, ages, and temperaments, which even when monitored, may result in harm or injury to me. I assume all risks, including but not limited to behavior problems, stress or discomfort, the transfer of communicable diseases, bacterial infection, triggering allergies, salmonella, and injuries such as abrasions, cuts, bites fractures or bruises.
• based on my exposure to and my interaction with Zoo Animals that may include but are not limited to rabbits, bunnies, goats, kids (baby goats), sheep, chicken, ducks, pigs, or piglets (Petting Zoo Animals), the interaction between and amongst Petty Zoo Animals of different breeds, sex and temperaments, and the interaction of Petting Zoo Animals with large crowds and/or people of different stature, ages, and temperaments, which even when monitored, may result in harm or injury to me. I assume all risks, including but not limited to behavior problems, stress or discomfort, the transfer of communicable diseases, parasites and injuries such as abrasions, cuts, bites, fractures, bruises, sprains, strains, or concussions.
I understand that these Risks may arise from my own actions, or inactions, the action of others participating in the Activity, the conditions in which the Activity takes place, conditions related to travel to/from the Activity, or the negligence of the University named below. There may also be other risks, which may not be known by me, or predicted or controlled by the Volunteer Activity and which could result not only in injury but in social, economic, or other kinds of losses either not known to me or not foreseeable at this time and I acknowledge these are included within the Risks. I FULLY AND VOLUNTARILY ACCEPT AND ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS AND ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR LOSSES, COSTS, AND DAMAGES I incur as a result of my participation in the Volunteer Activity.
Representations Concerning Health. I attest that I am physically and mentally capable of participating in the Volunteer Activity and I have no known health or other restrictions that might interfere with my ability to participate in the Volunteer Activity or endanger my health in connection with the Volunteer Activity. I give permission to the University to provide immediate and reasonable emergency care should it be required. If I need medical or emergency treatment, I agree to be solely financially responsible for any costs incurred as a result of such treatment. I am aware and understand that I should carry my own health insurance. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the University from any claims, causes of action, damages and/or liabilities, arising out of or resulting from said contact, medical or emergency treatment or emergency care.
COVID-19. I understand the highly contagious nature of COVID-19 and the risk that I may be exposed to or contract COVID19 by engaging in the Volunteer Activity. I understand and acknowledge that exposure or infection may result in serious illness, personal injury, permanent disability, death, or property damage, and that any such consequence as a result of engaging in the Volunteer Activity is not attributable to the University as defined below. I understand that the University cannot be held liable for any exposure to the COVID-19 virus caused by misinformation provided by each Volunteer Activity participant pertaining to their health history and COVID-19.
Image Release. I agree that the University may record, edit, use, reproduce, publish, and distribute by way of any and all media and transmission my visual and/or audio likeness related to my participation in the Volunteer Activity. The University is further granted permission to use such materials for educational, fundraising, or other purposes worldwide and in perpetuity. I agree that the University will be held harmless from any liability that may arise regarding the production, use, and distribution of such materials as described herein, and the University is hereby released from any claims relating to the rights granted above.
Release of Claims. In consideration for being allowed to participate in this Volunteer Activity, on behalf of myself and my next of kin, heirs and representatives, I hereby release from all liability and promise not to sue Western University of Health Sciences or any of their board of trustees, employees, officers, directors, volunteers, agents, students, and owners and lessors of premises on which the Volunteer Activity takes place (collectively “University”) from any and all claims, demands, attorney fees, losses, damages, and liabilities that I may have or sustain with respect to any and all property damage, physical or psychological injury (including paralysis and death), illness, damages, or economic or emotional loss, arising directly or indirectly from participation in the Volunteer Activity, including without limitation any and all of the Risks described above. The foregoing sentence shall apply (without limitation) to all claims, demands, losses, damages, and liabilities, including but not limited to claims for negligence, to the broadest extent permitted by applicable law. I covenant not to sue the University in connection with any of the released claims, demands, losses, damages, and liabilities. The covenants and undertakings of this document are given for and on behalf of and shall be binding upon me, my family, heirs, estate, next of kin, executors, administrators, legal representatives, beneficiaries, successors, and assigns.
Waiver. I understand that by signing this document, I am waiving any and all claims of any kind arising out of or attributable to my engaging in the Volunteer Activity and being exposed to or contracting COVID-19, including those claims that may be unknown to me, or which I do not suspect to exist at this time. WITH THE INTENTION OF WAIVING ALL UNKNOWN AND UNSUSPECTED CLAIMS, I HEREBY EXPRESSLY WAIVE ALL RIGHTS, BENEFITS, AND PROTECTIONS I MAY HAVE UNDER CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE SECTION 1542, WHICH READS AS FOLLOWS: A general release does not extend to claims that the creditor or releasing party does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release and that, if known by him or her, would have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor or released party.
Indemnification. I AGREE TO INDEMNIFY, SAVE AND HOLD HARMLESS the University, and each of them, from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, damages, attorney fees and costs, expenses, and liabilities made against or incurred by any of them, including those for indemnity, contribution or otherwise, arising from my participation in the Volunteer Activity and the Risks, whether resulting from claims, actions or lawsuits asserted by me or by another person against the University, except to the extent prohibited by applicable law.
General. It is understood and agreed that, if any provision of this Agreement or the application thereof is held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions of this or application of this Agreement which can be given effect without the invalid provisions or applications. To this end, the provisions of this Agreement are declared severable. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with, and governed by, the laws of the State of California. The venue for any action arising out of this Agreement shall be the County of Los Angeles, State of California. The parties agree to submit to jurisdiction on the State Courts, Los Angeles County, California. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with, and governed by, the laws of the State of Oregon. The language of all parts of this Agreement shall in all cases be construed as a whole, according to its fair meaning, and not strictly for or against any party. This Agreement is the only, sole, entire, and complete agreement of the parties relating in any way to the subject matter hereof. No statements, promises, or representations have been made to any party to any other, or relied upon, and no consideration has been offered or promised, other than as may be expressly provided herein. This Agreement supersedes any earlier written or oral understandings or agreements between the parties. This Agreement may be delivered electronically. The Volunteer consents to using an electronic signature to sign this Agreement and be legally bound by such signature. By electronically signing the Agreement, the Volunteer acknowledges that their electronic signature will have the same legal force and effect as a handwritten signature.
Acknowledgement and Understanding. I acknowledge that I am 18 years or older. I have read this document, fully understand its terms, understand the legal consequences of signing this document, including (a) releasing and waiving the University from all liability, (b) promising not to sue the University, (c) and assuming all risks of participating in this Volunteer Activity, including travel to, from and during the Volunteer Activity. I acknowledge that I am signing this agreement freely and voluntarily. I acknowledge that by my signature, I intend that this release be a complete and unconditional release of all liability as it relates to the Volunteer Activity to the greatest extent allowed by law and with the intention of binding my heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, and assignees. I agree that if any portion of this agreement is held to be invalid, the balance, notwithstanding, shall continue in full force.